How to Get Back to Work After Career Break? Follow 8 Steps
posted:4 years agobyMarry JoJoin Work Life
Did you have to take a break from your career? Now you want to know how to get back to work after a career break. Indeed, you are in the right spot because today I’m going to tell you how you are going to do this without feeling any problem.
Here are some tips that help you get back to your work after a Career break
- Always Stay Confident
One major mistake every person does while thinking back to his/her industry is to presume that my skill level is nothing compared to others, who have been working there without any break.
It’s your brain that puts such thoughts in your mind. So, please don’t underestimate yourself. You have done it before. That means you can do it again.
Have faith in yourself, get ready to make some efforts that let you blend in.
2.Revive your Old Network
The best way to find a new job after a career break is to tap on your old network. You can quickly identify what new opportunities you have on your plate. Not only that, drawing on that network lets you understand what’s new in the industry. What is required by the industry? Putting yourself in front of the right recruiters won’t be that hard for you.
3. Update your LinkedIn Profile
Every recruiter likes to check your LinkedIn Profile. So, what you must do is to update your LinkedIn Profile. Even when you don’t have work experience to add there. It would be best if you considered adding your volunteer experience or some skills that you have learned.
Enroll yourself in new courses that let you land on your new job. Later, share accompaniment in the form of certificates on your LinkedIn.
Don’t wait for recruiters to come to you. Please write an email and ask for a job without asking for it.
4. Update your Resume
It would be best if you mentioned your job gap in your resume. One way to keep your CV as attractive as it was before is to add a career gap in work experience and then categorize some skills and volunteer experience in your accompaniments.
Your career gap is your weakness, so balance it on your resume with your strengths such as courses, volunteer experience, training, apprenticeships, part-time jobs.
Employers hesitate to hire an employee who has a long career gap as they think that he isn’t familiar with industry standards. Therefore, his behavior won’t be up to the par. Mentioning your training, apprenticeship, internship, or side hustle will leave a positive impact on the hiring manager.
5. Write an Impactful Career Break Cover Letter
You are going to mention a reason for taking a career break.
Maybe, it was because:
- You were pregnant, and handling your baby until he turned two years old wasn’t that easy.
- You had an accident that made you take a break from routine work for years.
- Your loved one needs your undivided attention or care.
It could be anything.
When you are mentioning your career break, you are going to explain its reason in a smart way, which is indicating the reason in the first sentence while explaining your other work routine in another.
- I had to take care of my parents at home while I was taking finance classes remotely.
- I had to look after my family after my husband died, but I did a short-time job.
The idea here is to show you how you remain committed to a workplace that wasn’t an office but was handling some duties other than your home chores.
6. Know Your Strengths
Most of us focus on your weakness and try to do self-pity regarding it. That’s a common mistake people make when they try to get back to work after a career break. However, you must know what your strengths are. In case you have no idea what these are, then the simplest way to get is to ask someone you trust. They can tell you what you are good at.
Why is it important to know your strengths?
- They let you restore your lost confidence in yourself.
- They help create the best answer for interview questions “What are your strengths?”
- They make it easy for you to find a job that you are good at.
7. Try Not to Rush Things
When you get back to work after a career break, you often try to rush into things. For example, you think that you are not as good enough as others, so jump on any opportunity you get, no matter how challenging it is.
In that way, you might get a job, but it won’t be a rewarding one. Know what you love to do and then find an appointment accordingly. For example, if you are looking for a job that helps kids, check a list of posts you can do.
This sort of job search will take some time. But in the end, you will find a job you are good at, or that keeps you motivated every day.
8. Prepare For The Interview
The next thing to do is to prepare for a job interview once you have applied for a job. For this purpose:
Wrap up
Now you have got a complete idea of how to get back to work after a career break. It’s simple and easy if you don’t lose your self-confidence and don’t give up. Follow the main things, and you will get back to your office chair once again.
Best of Luck!