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You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truths Behind Cover Letters.

Are you less confident about your cover letter in Poland? In the era of digital ideas, do you think that recruiters will check a 400 word document? As a career advice, no matter your writing skills, the position you have applied for, and your contract type, you need to provide a considerable application file that encourages recruiters to know more about you. Here are the best tips for cover letters in Poland.

Cover Letters in Poland

If your CV is scanned by ATS software, a cover letter will definitely be read by a hiring manager. There are certain sections in which recruiters focus on. If you are an experienced applicant or a new graduate, you should provide this document in Polish attached with another language in case of applying for an international position. Cover letters in Poland and in Europe in general can be uploaded following a Europass format. Depending on the content, a cover letter includes from 280 to 680 word count. It shouldn’t be copied and pasted from a sample cover letter. It should be specific and tailored according to the job offer and the attached CV.

cvs in poland

Since a cover letter is still gaining professional concern, Fratres will teach you the top 15 secrets about improving your candidacy. Fratres is also a worldwide job portal, introducing the available job vacancies in your favorite destination.

1.Cover Letter Header:

Polish cover letters include a list of details regarding your application. On the top left of the letter, the applicant should include the date and place, name and contact information, the workplace and its address. In the middle he should mention the topic of the letter. For example:

Date: ……….


Contact information


Name of the company

Its address in Poland

Subject: Applying for (Job title) position

2. Cover letter Salutation:

Dear Sir/Madam; this is the common way to address receivers in cover letters. Here is how Create your Europass Cover Letter

3. Cover Letter Format:

What should this document look like? As an applicant you have two main options: either writing a three paragraph essay, or a single paragraph with a readable font. Remember that a format is essential to motivate recruiters to check your letter. Employers usually spend 30 seconds on each application before deciding whether or not to contact the applicant.

4. Consider the Content:

cv misconceptions

 No matter your specialization, there is a certain way to address recruiters and grab their attention. For job applications in Europe, it is essential to structure your cover letter: you, me, us

The best way for a candidate to argue the reasons that motivates him to apply is the mentioned 3 parts: you, me, us. "You" being the company that needs to recruit, "me" being the candidate and "we" the future candidate-company couple.

5. know How to Introduce your Interest in the Job:

The first paragraph is a general overview to demonstrate that you have read the job offer and that you meet the requirements. Show knowledge of the field. The idea is not to recall the goals of the company for which you are applying but to mention one or two specific elements that caught your attention because they correspond to your area of ​​expertise.

6. Know how to Introduce Yourself

The second part of the cover letter is used to explain why you have applied for the job. This is where you need to take out one or two elements of the CV and develop them. The recruiter must learn something new that meets the expectations. Highlight the details that make you an interesting candidate. This paragraph should follow this logic

-State your current professional situation ( experienced applicant, currently working, a new graduate

-Introduce your motivations for the job using sentences like I believe I can manage the tasks, I have always been interested in such fields. My professional background included the following operations etc…

7. The Cover Letter ends with “We”

The third part of a cover letter is similar to potential arrangements.  Write a paragraph in which  shows what you can bring to the field, once you are hired. This paragraph can be a projection to the future as it includes potential possibilities that motivate recruiters to hire you.

8. Justify your Application

A cover letter is mainly used to show that you have the skills required for the position. It is also a document that describes your candidacy. By analyzing the job offer, you must make sure to tick all the boxes of the recruiter's expectations. Your cover letter should help the recruiter to visualize you in the position to be filled.

9. Work on your added Value:

Although recruiters can find common details on your cover letter, you still have the chance to bring unique content. First, show your motivations in your cover letter by highlighting what makes you interested in the job. Second, mention your skills, experiences, and personal traits to justify why you are suitable for the job.

10.Know how to Include your CV:

 A good cover letter should make the link between the professional past described in the CV and the needs of the current position. Be careful not to rewrite your CV again. The cover letter is used to enhance what does not appear in your CV. Here are Seven Various Ways to Do Job Interviews

11. Choose the Right Format

How to write a cover letter? A cover letter should share certain similarities with a CV. It should preserve the same font. It is also a brief document that should be updated with every new application. Take a look at How To Get People To Like Getting Started.

12. Have a Convincing Power

cv application

The objective of the cover letter is not to describe your career in a linear way, which would duplicate the CV and risk boring the recruiter. To avoid this catalog effect, you must seek to bring out consistency by explaining this path and justifying your choices. For example, you can say why you chose a particular specialization at the time of your training or tell about your decision to leave a company to meet new challenges. The objective is to share your know-how with the recruiter.

13. Select the necessary Information Matching the Job Offer

Whether you have achieved years of professional experiences, volunteer work and seasonal projects, you should only focus on what is relevant to the job. The cover letter should also serve to go beyond the CV by insisting, through examples, on skills that do not necessarily appear there, or not sufficiently, and which may correspond to what the recruiter is looking for. Some soft skills, new favorites of recruiters, are very popular with companies. Creativity, critical thinking, sense of customer-service etc... it's up to you to illustrate your know-how skills with some examples.

14. Close your Cover Letter with your Name and a Signature:

It is very essential to sign at the end of a cover letter to give a personalized feature to your application.

15. Edit and Proofread your Cover Letter:

Always have a final check before submitting your cover letter. You can employ an online grammar checker, or ask someone who is very fluent in polish to check for you. Here is the online Polish language tool.

These were the top 15 bizarre facts about cover letters in Poland. You can join Fratres for further professional updates.



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